It has been awhile since last I posted here and with good reason so please do not think that I have forgotten about you. I am always in constant movement and growth and I want my writing to reflect these changes. I also do not want to squander this opportunity to share and reason with others over a very difficult subject by injecting too many of my personal emotions and not enough of the applications and methods that have helped or hindered me in this situation.
I am feeling very positive about life in general at this point and I wanted to share this with you because sometimes in the midst of the storm it is very hard to remain seated and calm without being anxious, fearful that the boat will overturn altogether and everything precious will be lost. I have not mastered the are of letting go myself, however I am learning that increasing my faith in God and laying my burdens at His feet creates a place of empowerment rather than helplessness. No matter what it looks like to others and indeed to myself I can acknowledge that I do not have the vision and the perspective to know the end from the beginning and I can trust in the One who does know and who has provided grace sufficient for each and every circumstance I find myself in. God is never surprised by someone's betrayal of me or my betrayals of myself. He knew these things and He has a plan for me to bring me to His good will not to hurl me into a dark abyss of never ending pain and misery. Yes we all face at some point I our lives the choice of trusting God or trusting man (an other human) and we have to be willing to trust Him that we will be okay even if we can not trust another person's intentions, behavior or words.
I want to encourage you this morning that we should not be afraid to step out in faith into places where we see nothing to hold us up IF that is where God has led us. On the other hand do not risk yourself and salvation by running past and through the protections that God as our loving father has positioned to ensure our safety and well being.
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